Fritz Rasmussen
(1911 - 1940)
Fritz Rasmussen is born on 8 September 1911. He joins the army before the Second Wold War. On 20 September 1934, he is appointed Sekondløjtnant (2nd Lieutenant). He is trained as pilot and gets his wings in 1935 (pilot's certificate 164/35). On 9 October 1939, he is appointed Løjtnant af Reserven (Lieutenant of the reserve) (HfH, 1940).
Volunteers for the Finish Air Force
When Finland enters the Winter War in November 1939, Fritz Rasmussen volunteers for the Finnish Air Force.
On 2 February 1940, he was attached to LLv 24 flying Fokker D. XXI. His aircraft ('FR-81') is hit and he bails out. Unfortunately, his parachute malfunctions and he is killed (Ritaranta, 1979).