Guttorm Bouet
(1909 - 1972)
Guttorm Bouet is attached to the Danish forces in Sweden in 1944-45. He was trained as pilot in the Army Air Services before the war and he returns to the Army following the Liberation.
Guttorm Bouet is born on 18 October 1909. He joins the Danish Army before the war and is trained as pilot earning is wings in 1933 (pilot's certificate 135/33). He is then private in the Royal Guard. On 9 October 1934 he is appointed Sekondløjtnant (2nd Lieutenant) and he is promoted to Løjtnant af Reserven (lieutenant of the Reserve) in 1935.
Guttorm Bouet is one of the Danish pilots attached to the Danish squadron trained in Sweden following the German siege of the armed forces in 1943. From April 1944 to May 1945 he is trained at Flygflottijl 6, 7 and 12. The force was never saw combat and returned to Denmark 12 May 1945 by train.
After the War
Guttorm Bouet returns to the Army after the war and is appointed Kaptajn (captain) in 1946.
(Ancker, 2001; Clauson Kaas, 1943; Holm, 1995)