Plt Off. Laurits William Staal
(1911 - n.a. )
Laurits William Staal is born on 1 November 1911 in Aarhus, Denmark. He is the son of barber Laurits Christian and Margaret Georgina Staal (b. Topley). Apparently, He emigrates to Australia before the war and is naturalised. [1]
He enlists for the Royal Australian Air Force on 6 January 1941 at No. 3 Recruiting Centre in Brisbane as Aircraftsman 2. He is promoted to Leading Aircraftsman on 1. February 1941 further to Sergeant on 22 August 1941, and to Flight Sergeant on 2 February 1942. [2]
He is trained at No. 27 Operational Training Unit in England from 23 November 1942. He is promoted Pilot Officer on the same date. On 23 May 1943, he is promoted Flying Officer. On 6 December 1943, he is transferred to No 11 PDRC, Brighton, England. He embarks on a ship bringing him back to Australia on 14 December 1943. [3]
He is posted to 6 Squadron on 6 February 1945 and further to 8 Sqadron on 29 September 1945.
He is discharged on 4 December 1945 at which point he is attatched to 6 Squadron holding the rank of Flight Lieutenant. He is promoted to this rank on 23 November 1944. [4]
Laurits William Staal is naturalised before the war. [5]
-, Århus Domsogn parish record
- Service Record,
- Service Record,
- Service Record,
- Service Record,