Danish WW2 Pilots
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    Britain's Victory, Denmark's Freedom. Danish Volunteers in Allied Air Forces during the Second World War
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    Danish WW2 Pilots

Ida Marie Svejstrup Jensen

Pvt. Ida Marie Svejstrup Jensen enlisted in the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) in 1944. She was one of twenty-nine Danish born WACs during the Second World War.

Poul Bent Heilmann

Poul Bent Heilmann is one of a small number of Danish volunteers in the Malayan Volunteer Air Force during the Second World War.

Danes down under

Eighteen Danes served in the Royal Australian Air Force during the Second World War. For most Danes in the Allied forces their service was connected—more or less directly—to the fight for the liberation of Danish. For those in Australian service, the stakes were different, and their service was perhaps more linked to the defence of their new country from the Japanese threat.

No. 234 Squadron - A 'Danish' Squadron

During the Second World War, a large number of Danish pilots were in British or Norwegian air service. Though many were accepted in one of the Norwegian squadron, 234 (Madras Presidency) Squadron is by far the most 'Danish' of all squadrons of (or associated to) the Royal Air Force. In all nine Danish pilots and three Spitfires is in 234 service.