Danish WW2 Pilots

Jørgen Preben Herner Petersen


331 Sqn


Spitfire IX L.F. (FN-C)




17:15 - 18:15


D.D.633. 12 a/c led by capt. Woxan took off from base in three sections, with a take off time interval of 15 min. between each section. Each section was to patrol on their own in the area CLIVE [?]-DRUYSBERG [?]-VENLO. During this operation on of our a/c was hit by flak, and the pilot made a forced landing at base. The pilot is unhurt. In the forest at E.9669 10-15 U/I aircraft were seen on the ground and (...) strafed. They were, probably, dummies. Strikes were observed on 6 aircraft. 1 T/N/A left smoking. 8 Met were shot in flames at E.7976 and another at E.9854 and a staff car was left smoking at E.8575. 1 Met pulling a cannon was damaged at E.8571. The main direction of the traffic was seen to move South East. Intense accurate light flak was thrown up from the GOCH area. All our a/c returned safely to base.


AIR 27/1726


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