Danish WW2 Pilots

Kjeld Christian Johan Pedersen


1 Sqn


Spitfire IX L.F. , ML175




10:30 - 13:05


12 Spitfire IX LF with 90 gallon tanks took off from Ursel at 10.30 hours to patrol between 50' 37'' N and 03' 37'' E and Gemini - Marfak. R/V at 10.45 hours and carried out patrols as planned, uneventfully, arriving back at Ursel at 13.10 hours.

From form 540A big day dawned. Operation "Varsity" took place at a little after first light and represented the biggest airborne invasion in history. Over 1500 Halifaxes, Stirlings and Dakotas with a similar number of Horsa and Hamilcar Gliders flew over the Rhine to Wesel. Large forces comprising glider troops and paratroops were dropped in that area and are sucessfully mopping up enemy resistance. The squadron's role was that of patrolling along the stream en route to its objective. No Huns came up, their was a fair amount of flak. All our aircraft returned safely to Unsel and finally Manston.


AIR 27/4


Yellow 4

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