Danish WW2 Pilots

Flt Lt Frede Johannes Florentsen


254 Sqn


Beaufighter X (C)




15:57 - 22:35


1757/1820 A/B North Coates.
1850 Langham [...] in company with 6 Torbeaus and 13 A/F Beaufighters of Langham, 12 of Strubby and 7 Mustangs as Fighter Escort.
54 30'N 06 19'E Navigator of P/254 saw dinghy with one occupant. Returning on track 'P' failed to locate dinghy again and after 3 minutes S/C to join formation.
Convoy sighted E. of Helgoland of 4 ships bearing 150°/5 miles on Co. 270° at 10 kts. One small E/V believed TTA, leading, one M/V 3500/4000 tons of naval auxiliary appearence, [...] funnel and considerable superstructure, thought to be possibly a depot ship. Second M/V about 2000 tons, secong T.T.A. astern with a third T.T.A. 4-6 miles S.E. The first four vessels were in line astern at 1/2 mile intervals.
One Torbeau [Q] seen with starboeard wing on fire early in attack and VHF message received by Leader from unidentified A/C reporting intention to ditch. Good ditching effetced and two aircrew seen to board dinghy about two miles S.E. of C/V by S/254 which circulated for 15 minutes and dropped Marine Marker 20 yards up wind of dinghy. Attack made from 180 deg. Green. Some attacks curtailed by overcrowding.
Leading TTA. attacked by 'Z' and strikes seen.
Large M/V attacked by T.S.F.A.Z.W.N.K.J.R. Numerous strikes on hul and superstructure particularly aft and whole stern of vessel blazing furiously as attack developed. Smaller M/V attacked by O.C.P. & U, strikes seen and ship well on fire. Rear TTA attacked and straddled by P. Fire was seen to break out midships. One toepedo hit seen to break out amidships. One torpedo hit seen on each of the two M/V's and much smoke over [ships] 15 minutes later.
FLAK. Some inaccurate heavy Flak from Heligoland as attack and some heavy and considerable light flak from ships. Variable for accuracy. Fire diminished at A/C went in but leading TTA was still firing as Wing withdrew. Fire opened by Borkum batteries during return. No balloons or R/V seen.
K was hit by cannon shell in pilot's cockpit but only minor danage - P & U had stoppages.
Q (F/S Wood & F/S Boyle failed to return).
2203/2235 All A/C except Q landed at base.


AIR 27/1516


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