Danish WW2 Pilots

Fg Off. Andreas Moldt Petersen


Distinguished Flying Medal


This airman has participated in many attacks on targets in Germany and enemy occupied territory. He is outstanding as an air gunner and such is his vigilance that the crew have been able to proceed with their respective tasks with complete confidence. His vigilance and accuracy were demonstrated in June 1944 when over the target area his aircraft was damaged by an enemy fighter. After the bombing run had been completed the pilot took evasive action which enabled Flight Sergeant Peterson to fire a long burst at the fighter. The enemy fighter was seen to catch fire at the wing root. It dived out of control and later was observed to explode on the ground. The coolness and determination with which this gunner handled his guns has earned for him the confidence and respect of his crew and has been an example to other air gunners in the squadron.




Moldt, 1985; www.airforce.ca

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