Operational sorties Detailed view
Preben Ernst Ipsen
237 Sqn
Spitfire IX L.F. , MK713
07:20 - 09:00
8 a/c airborne on a Fighter sweep in the PIOMBINA and southward area. Heavy and light, intense and accurate flak was experienced from A1108, and light, intense and inaccurate from F5257. At F4289 a 5-ton truck was seen travelling east-west. This was attacked and set on fire. Further along the road 2 more 3-tonners were damaged. At F[...] 2 full bowsers were straffed and damaged. At A5512 a [...] 5-ton truck travelling south-west was set on fire, and at [...] 5-tonner was damaged. At intervals of 600 yds. along the coast road at A0514 44-gallon drums were seen issuing flame and black smoke. At F1875 an a/c believed to be an ME109 was seen to crash into the grund and burst into flames. In the river mouth at F4861 and A/S net was seen, and 2 100ft. [...]. WEATHER: visibility 5 miles; no cloud.
AIR 27/1451