Danish WW2 Pilots

Ob.ltn. Kaj Birksted


331 Sqn


Spitfire Vb , EN786 (FN-T)




14:15 - 16:00


12 a/c of 331 Sqn took off. On the way out 5 miles from English coast 6 F.W. 190 were reported. They proved later to be Typhoons. 15 miles off Dieppe Banjo reported Donniers coming from the Somme area (later proved to be F.W. 190's). Blue section were dived on by about 20 F.W. 190's and being separated from Red and Yellow section, they dived away and shook the F.W.'s off Ltn. Ree emtied his guns into a Do. 217 and claims it as damaged. Sgt. Spang claims one F.W. destroyed and one damaged. 2/Ltn. Heglund claims one F.W. destroyed. He saw it falling towards the see out of control from about 100 feet, black and white smoke pouring out of it. Ltn. Berg claims one F.W. shot into the sea and another damaged. During his last attack his plane was hot probably in the glycol system and he bailed out as the engined stopped. Few minutes after he had touched the sea he was picked up unhurt by a M/L. Rest of sqdn. landed safely at base.


AIR 27/1724


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